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Blind justice? An exchange on Ferguson: part 2

The chief task remains one of “squarely facing our own complicity in our condition” — to borrow the President’s phrase.

Blind justice? An exchange on Ferguson: part 1

Racism is a horrible scar on the American soul, but we need to fight it appropriately.

Discuss Race, Class, Violence

Bishop Eugene Sutton plans town hall “that will take us beyond events in Ferguson, Missouri, to a broader discussion.”

The Parable of Ferguson

Can we find in Ferguson’s tragic story a truth that broadens our understanding?

On Ferguson: Christ Is Risen

Bp. Martins: Any aspect of human experience not seen in the light of Jesus’ resurrection is not really seen at all.

‘Hands Extended in Love’

Presiding Bishop asks Episcopalians to “offer yourself in vulnerability for the sake of reconciliation across this land.”

Stand in the Gap

Bishop Wayne Smith: “The gospel demands for the ministry of reconciliation” require standing in the gap.

Pray for Ferguson

Bishop Dean Wolfe asks that Christians “pray for peace and justice in Ferguson and throughout our nation.”

$40,000 to Help Ferguson

Bishop Stacy Sauls: Funds address “both immediate need and long-term issues related to the cycle of poverty.”

Praying for the world when bad news abounds

On a trip to the Holy Land in 2008, I found myself riveted by an unusual mosaic of Jesus on the Church of All Nations, depicting Jesus as our intercessor, kneeling at the center of the image with two groups of people flanking him.


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