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Executive Council

Dioceses Make Progress in Their Stewardship

By Kirk Petersen The Episcopal Church is highly dependent on contributions from its dioceses, just as dioceses are highly dependent on their churches, and churches...

Council Considers Palestine, Lay Pensions and More

Creating a carefully targeted "no-buy" list of companies doing business in Palestine.

$133,150 for Young Adult Ministry, Campus Ministry

Executive Council has approved $133,150 in grants for young adult and campus ministry.

Council Hears Good Financial News

Selling a city block-sized property in Austin, Texas, leaves the church with $19 million in proceeds. http://bit.ly/2NthgvX

‘This Is Not the Way of Love’

The Rev. Gay Clark Jennings, president of the House of Deputies, denounces Archbishop Justin Welby’s decision on same-sex bishops’ spouses at Lambeth.

$210K for Deputies’ President

Executive Council has voted to provide compensation to the president of the House of Deputies in the amount of $210,000 per year.

Seeking Local Context

Executive Council sets sights on connecting with work on the ground.

Evaluate an Anti-racism Framework

The Executive Council Committee on Anti-Racism seeks responses on A Framework for Anti-Racism and Racial Reconciliation Training in the Episcopal Church.

Executive Council Considers Title IV

Council members beta-tested an impressive new website that promises to make the subject more transparent.

Konieczny to Serve on ACC

The Rt. Rev. Edward J. Konieczny is the new bishop member of the Anglican Consultative Council.


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