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Light and Beauty (Pentecost 2, Year B)

St. John writes, “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it.”

G. K. Chesterton and the Goodness of God

By Cole Hartin While I have a few podcasts in my feed, over the past couple of years I’ve been trying to mix in audiobooks...

Memento Mori: On Death and Evil

Faith strangely exists amidst explicit doubts when we contemplate our death.

Jim Thompson and the Killer Inside Us All

We prefer to think that evil is something “bad people” do, and that these bad people are easily recognizable. We see a mug shot on the news and say “Oh, he looks like a child molester, like a mass shooter, like a serial killer, like a bad person. Or as often as not today we think of evil as that perpetrated only by our political opposites. We describe such people as “inhuman” or “deplorable”, descriptors that gives us the relief of distance. The guise evil wears is, of course, always that of someone else.

Tamar, #metoo, and Ash Wednesday

“We must create contexts in which women can speak of their unspoken trauma, whether suffered within the church or elsewhere.”

The light shines incomprehensibly

The light shines in the darkness. And the darkness cannot understand it, control it, name it, manipulate it, or master it.

Facing evil and staking our life on Christ

More and more, Christians must answer the question of why God permits evil.

The Anglican approach to Christian apologetics: Joseph Butler’s biblical cosmos

According to Bishop Butler, Scripture is God’s instrument to separate the sheep from the goats and to order both according to his intentions.

How to battle demons and win

Our enemies are not the ones identified on Twitter. Our enemies are sin, death, and the devil.

Hope in the midst of evil

One word has kept coming into my mind since the shootings, which we don't hear from many Episcopal pulpits: "demonic."


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