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Followup on Washington Bishop’s Trump Remarks

The president's words "have dangerous potential to encourage others, both to speak and then to act with condoned violence. That's why we spoke."

An evangelical on the Canterbury trail

What drew me so readily to the Episcopal Church, which I had been taught to mistrust?

‘Three streams’ Anglicanism?

The Church must be evangelical, Catholic, Pentecostal, always seeking unity and always sacrificing itself in mission.

The double cure

Toplady's “Rock of Ages, Cleft for Me” qualifies as one of the richest hymns, with its biblical allusions, soteriological vision, and complex history.

Abp. Sentamu Lauds Wilberforce

John Sentamu praises William Wilberforce’s “deep trust in Christ, persistence, courage, and determination.”

Bishop McIlvaine and the evangelical heritage of the Episcopal Church

The fabric of McIlvaine’s life was richly textured, a compelling and encouraging reminder of the continuing story of evangelicalism in the Episcopal Church.


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