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evaluating this holy estate

Evaluating ‘This Holy Estate’: Disrupting ecumenical and Anglican harmony

The report suggests a desire to explore the possibilities of a parochial “dissonance,” rather than a Catholic harmony.

Evaluating ‘This Holy Estate’: Sidelining Indigenous voices

What a gift it would have been if First Nations and Inuit elders were directly consulted and their words transcribed (and translated, if need be) for all to read.

Evaluating ‘This Holy Estate’: Misunderstanding Acts 15

In discussions of same-sex marriage, we end up with a strange (and strangely popular) historicist interpretation of the “Council of Jerusalem” in Acts 15.

Evaluating ‘This Holy Estate’: Same-sex marriage, and a failed argument from analogy

The report seeks a unique definition of marriage for same-sex partners, but never provides it. Instead, it resorts to an unrelated analogy.

Evaluating ‘This Holy Estate’: Misreading Romans 1 and Richard Hays

Paul refers to a fallen humanity tragically caught up in rebellion against God and his created order, whether a person is beset by covetousness, gossip, or sexual sins.

Evaluating ‘This Holy Estate’: Dismissing our Lord and his Gospels

The most disheartening section of This Holy Estate comes in its treatment of the words of Jesus in Mark 10:1-10 and Matthew 19:1-9.

Evaluating ‘This Holy Estate’: Ignoring the Old Testament

This Holy Estate engages only two Old Testament texts, Genesis 1 and Genesis 2, deeming them largely irrelevant. But we must attend to the whole of the Old Testament, not least for how the Word speaks in and through it.

Evaluating ‘This Holy Estate’: Locating ourselves in the biblical narrative

To walk through the biblical narrative is to discover that marriage in God’s purpose has a particular shape.

Evaluating ‘This Holy Estate’: Its invitation to read Scripture

'This Holy Estate' represents an exercise in removing scriptural barriers, rather than allowing Scripture to lead. This is no via media.

Evaluating ‘This Holy Estate’: An introduction

This week our Canadian scholars will be evaluating 'This Holy Estate', which was drafted to provide a "rationale" for same-sex marriage in the Anglican Church of Canada.


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