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Making a Case for Environmental Responsibility

The Rev. Canon Pam Hyde reviews Creation Care Discipleship: Why Earthkeeping Is an Essential Christian Practice.

Apocalypse and Memento Mori: Notes for a Blog Post About the End of the World

By Joseph Mangina When a colleague invited me to be part of an online panel on the theme of “Petroculture, War, and Democracy,” I must...

Ecology’s Anglican Forerunners

By David Goodhew If the Nobel Prize had been around in the 18th century, the Anglican priest, Gilbert White, would have won it. He, alongside...

Caring for Creation

Our unique task as stewards and caretakers of “this fragile earth, our island home,” as Eucharistic Prayer C puts it, is to participate in the unfolding of God’s new creation inaugurated in the resurrection of Jesus.

Wendell Berry, Poet and Prophet

Wendell Berry, this great Bard — as great an American voice as Thoreau’s or Whitman’s — assumes that the reality before and all around us in nature is infinitely complex and therefore cannot be fully comprehended by any human intellect.

In the Beginning: A Theological Foundation for Environmental Ethics

Why did God create the heavens and the earth, human beings, and all the rest?

Sir Roger Scruton: Conserving the world

The earth is fundamentally a religious place — a place of belonging and of worship. It is a place of holy sacrifice, with its highest expression in the Christian sacraments, which “rehearse the solution that previous explorations of the sacred could not find, which is the self-sacrifice of God” (p. 20).

A catechism of Nature (1): Reason and the destiny of animal life

Reason, the thing that separates us from brute beasts, does not liberate us from animality, but it liberates animality itself, for the actualization of a potential that cannot be actualized without reason.

Baptism and environmental stewardship

Canadian Anglicans have added a vow about environmentalism to their baptismal covenant. I worry that making environmental activism fundamental to Christian baptism obscures what is more fundamental to it.

Dirty oil, dirty hands? Divestment, ethics, and the Anglican Church of Canada

Divestment seems to amount to little more than moral posturing, however well intended, when the world needs genuine, thoughtful, and powerful action on the environment now more than ever.


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