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Diocese of Washington

Bishop Budde on Courage in Decisive Moments

The Rev. Dr. C.K. Robertson reviews How We Learn to Be Brave: Decisive Moments in Life and Faith.

PB Attempts to Reclaim January 6 for Epiphany

Secular forces have a way of overwhelming religious observances.

St. John the Lego Episcopal Church

Searching the after-market for the right shade of pale yellow bricks.

Assessing and Improving the Viability of Churches

A church that has outlived its congregation can be closed with dignity, leaving an asset that can be sold in support of other ministries.

A Different Model for Churches Changing Hands

By Kirk Petersen In an era of bruising litigation over ownership of church properties, a prominent diocese and a church founded in 1698 are showing...

Noose Found Hanging in DC Church Courtyard

On the morning of March 26 a noose was found hanging from a branch of the largest tree in the courtyard of St. Mark’s...

Episcopal Organizations Get $4 Million in Lilly Grants

The grants are part of Lilly's Thriving Congregations Initiative, and will fund projects at the dioceses of Indianapolis, Northern Indiana, New York, and Washington, as well as Seminary of the Southwest.

Bp. Budde: ‘Too Dangerous for Anything but Truth’

A benediction quoting William Sloane Coffin, with aspirations for unity, justice, and peace.

Bishop Budde to Give Benediction at DNC Tuesday

The Bishop of Washington previously took President Trump to task for clearing Black Lives Matter protesters with tear gas, to enable him to stage a photo op at St. John's Church.

National Cathedral Cuts 15% of Staff in Pandemic

This is the hardest set of decisions I’ve ever had to make,” said the Very Rev. Randolph Marshall Hollerith, dean of the cathedral.


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