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Diocese of Jerusalem

A Home, a School, a Family

For more than 50 years, the Holy Land Institute for the Deaf has taught children and young adults with deafness or hearing challenges, without regard to religion.

Training Youth to Wage Peace in the Holy Lands

Between the summer programs and school-year classes, “we’ve had direct impact on thousands of young people,” the Rev. Canon Nicholas Porter said. “We have trained, empowered and energized individuals who will be agents of change in their society.”

Healthcare with Hardships in Gaza

By Kirk Petersen The two million people of the Gaza Strip have lived through three wars since 2007, when Hamas took control of the government....

Bishop Appeals for Hospital Repairs

A collapse of the outpatient department of the Al Ahli Arab Hospital will cost an estimated $150,000 in repairs.

Abp. Dawani Made Primate

Archbishop Suheil Dawani has been elected as the next Primate of the Province of Jerusalem and the Middle East.


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