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Diocese of East Carolina

Convention Deputy Joins Ballot

Tess Judge agrees to succeed her husband in a campaign for the North Carolina House of Representatives.

Hurricane Hits N.C. Hard

Robert Skirving: “For some the worst is actually still to come, as storm waters find their way to the ocean.”

People & Places, June 3

Recent appointments in the Episcopal Church

Fire Brings Fayetteville Churches Together for Holy Week

An accidental fire on March 24 brought N.C. Episcopal communities together in new ways

E. Carolina Elects 8th Bishop

The Rev. Robert Skirving is a native of Canada and rector of St. John’s Church in Midland, Michigan.

East Carolina Seeks 8th Bishop

The Diocese of East Carolina will receive applications until Sept. 27 in its search for the eighth bishop in its history.

PB Nominates +Daniel

The Diocese of Pennsylvania will vote Jan. 12 on calling the Rt. Rev. Clifton Daniel III as its provisional bishop.


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