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Diocese of Arizona

Oldest Episcopal Priest Dies in Arizona at 108

His retirement lasted longer than his career, even though he retired at the age of 65.

Robert Shahan, Retired Bishop of Arizona, Dies at 80

He served on the General Convention's influential Joint Standing Committee on Program, Budget, and Finance, and was part of a November 1994 unity pilgrimage to Canterbury and Rome, meeting with Archbishop of Canterbury George Carey and Pope John Paul II.

Border Summit Focuses on Migrant Crisis

Bishops call for welcoming neighbors.

Diocese Faces Sex Abuse Allegations From Early 1970s

An Arizona priest who is now deceased allegedly abused a boy of about 12. The victim says the church and the diocese did not react sufficiently.

Arizona Appoints Canon to the Ordinary

The Rev. Anita Braden will join the Diocese of Arizona staff as canon to the ordinary on June 17.

A Bishop’s Pilgrimage to Nogales, Mexico

“Your church is present with our brothers and sisters who are scared, hungry and cold, and you can feel gratified about our ministry there.”

Arizonans Elect N.Y. Priest

The Rev. Jennifer Anne Reddall of New York City has been elected the sixth Bishop of Arizona.

‘Arizona Has Lost a Great Leader’

Bishop Kirk Smith: “Arizona has lost a great leader, patriot, war hero, and public servant.”

Arizonans Seek 6th Bishop

The Bishop Search Committee for the Sixth Bishop of Arizona has released the diocesan profile and announced that it is now accepting applications.

Bishop of Arizona to Retire

The Rt. Rev. Kirk S. Smith, Bishop of Arizona since 2004, has announced his intention to retire in March 2019.


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