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Episcopal–Methodist Communiqué

Dialogue affirms gospel proclamation and working “for the healing of a divided and suffering world.”

Beyond Agreeing to Disagree

Jesus’ ministry and the witness of the New Testament writers both point toward the need for grace and truth.

Video: The Primus of Scotland

The Most Rev. David Chillingworth discusses the need for shared struggle in the church.

A Missed Mormon Opening

How can the Episcopal Church affirm continuing revelation, yet deny dialogue with Mormons?

Ellen Wondra on Convention

Ellen Wondra on the major issues of Convention: restructuring, marriage, and electing the next presiding bishop.

NECA Plugs In

The Network of Episcopal Clergy Associations has launched a new website.

ARCIC III Communiqué

“Hope sprang from real ecumenical activity … and the sheer hard work and organising by local people.”

The 10th anniversary of 9/11

I believe that this is an Anglican moment — the kind of moment that comes along from time to time. It is a moment into which we can live fully, or it is a moment that we can let slip by.


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