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Holy Desire and Good Counsel

By John Bauerschmidt Cranmer’s 1549 prayer book, and subsequent editions, continued the use of a collect first found in the eighth-century Gelasian sacramentary, one identified...

On Forming Human Children, Part 1

By Jon Jordan If you encounter human children on a regular basis, you are doing the work of formation. A mark is left on them...

The 10th Commandment: As Sinful as Apple Pie

Part of a series on the Ten Commandments. By John Thorpe Covetousness! Again, who ever confesses that? Thousands are guilty of it, but few will own it...

God Doesn’t Need Your Love

We need God. We long for God. And no, God does not feel the same way about us.

Celibacy, Abuse, and the Formation of Desire

The clergy sexual abuse crisis is not born from a lack of sexual partners, but from disordered sinful desires acted out in predatory ways.

Philip Sheldrake and the Theology of Desire

As a work that deals with the age-old questions of human motivations, wants, and fears, Befriending our Desires remains highly relevant

Right Desire and True Gospel

While Thomas Cranmer insisted that Anglican liturgy must be regularly renewed so as always to speak to contemporary society, he was equally adamant that the gospel message transcended any specific cultural moment.

Christian leadership and disordered desires

Winning accolades or recognition doesn’t leave us satisfied, but leaves us wanting more.

Desire prevails over reason

Faith, hope, and love — those absolutes of the Christian life — are instances of desire.

Eaten by the Lion: Divine desire in Narnia

In The Horse and His Boy, it is Aslan’s beauty that elicits Hwin’s remarkable response: “You may eat me if you like.”


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