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de terra veritas

Bringing Forth Treasure New, Old, and Perplexing

InterVarsity Press’s new 1662 Book of Common Prayer, International Edition surely made it smoothly through all the copyrighting wrangles, but it’s not the first...

Priestly Sacrifice

You’ve probably seen “your pastor before and after coronavirus” memes on your Facebook feed. Over the course of a year, wrinkles sprout and wild...

For All the Saints

Their bodies were buried in peace, and their name lives to all generations. Peoples will declare their wisdom, and the congregation proclaims their praise....

“We Don’t Need to Be There Nearly as Often”

News broke recently that the Diocese of Chicago plans to sell its 30,000-square-foot headquarters in the city’s central business district. The building has other...

Introducing The Living Word

Like so many of my colleagues, I never planned to be a televangelist. But with the assistance of our tech-savvy assistant rector, we quickly...

A Leader, Not a Follower: Bishop Kemper and Apostolic Ministry

The Sunday after the Ascension, May 24, marks a century and half since the death of the Rt. Rev. Jackson Kemper, the Episcopal Church’s...

Education, In Spite of It All

De terra veritas: Home is the workplace, and the schoolroom as well.

Jasmine for the Queen of Heaven

A bouquet of jasmine is a fitting gift for Mary, the Queen of Heaven.

Partners in Righteous Work

Fellowship is at the heart of the divine economy, a partnership in well-doing.

Lift Up Your Heads, O Ye Gates

Those who take up such work rarely win wealth and glory by it, for all the sacrifice it demands. The things they produce, the art that serves the liturgy of God’s people, is a common work of praise, an expression of love. “Not unto us, O Lord, not unto us, but unto thy Name be the praise” (Ps. 115:1).


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