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The Darkness Hideth Not From Thee

Darkness occupies a complicated place in scripture. Believers even wait for it. The sun will be darkened, the moon will not give light, the powers will be shaken, but somewhere within the chaos lies our redemption.

Meditation from a Corn Crib

Apprehended by both arms and quickly maneuvered through the door, I was tossed inside. The door was slammed in my face, then locked from...

Psalm 88: At God’s Mercy

By Justin S. Holcomb Psalm 88 is an individual psalm of lament by someone so overwhelmed with troubles (v. 3) that he is abandoned by...

Light in the darkness

The Scriptures are saturated with imagery of light; they begin with God speaking light into being and end with the heavenly Jerusalem alight with the glory of God.


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