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Love and Fear: For Good Friday

By Neil Dhingra Now imagine a film projected not on a screen but on a rubbish dump. The story of Jesus — which in its...

Being Disarmed

The traditionalist perspective in the Episcopal Church — particularly with regard to the meaning of marriage — has been completely defeated within the councils of our church.

The Sound of Silence

It is Good Friday, when the silence of God is stronger than the noise of men.

Embracing the Cross of Christ

We must embrace the cross, though it may sound as though we Christians glory in weakness, cruelty, suffering, and death.

Witnesses in Holy Week

This week, we are witnesses of this spectacle: Jesus' death and resurrection.

Humble King of Kings

As the king of all, Jesus could have come down from the cross, as the bystanders dared him to do.

Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do

While with his tongue the Suffering Servant made “intercession for transgressors” (Isa. 53:12), with torn flesh he made atonement for those who bruised him.

Cæli enarrant: Thorns, Cross, Crucifixion

Until our own end, Christ’s Passion remains the singular source of salvation and holiness — in the sacraments, and in our love of him by acts of penance, reparation, and solidarity.

The craft of suffering

The Christian experience of suffering is distinctive. “Pain without God is intolerable. Everything in our culture flows from this ‘without God’; and, in this case, pain therefore sweeps everything before itself.”

What is love?

How do we know what love is?


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