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TLC Foundation Chooses New Members

The new foundation members are Wesley Arning, George Willcox (Will) Brown, Jean McCurdy Meade, and Caleb Roberts.

Another Page Turns

Just over five years ago, I received a call from Christopher Wells, who was, at that time, executive director of the Living Church Foundation....

Covenant Hires Calvin Lane as 3rd Editor

“I think that Covenant has got a major foothold in the Anglican world, and I do mean beyond the Episcopal Church, and we need to continue to grow that. But at the same time, I want to hear more ecumenical voices.”

David Ney Joins Trinity-Ambridge

Anglican priest from Canada to teach church history at Trinity School for Ministry.

Mutual Forgiveness in Haiti

Presiding Bishop Michael Curry: “Mutual forgiveness and repentance, healing, and reconciliation are hard work.”

Catholicity, apostolicity: Come on down

What does it mean for Anglicans to profess reformed catholicity in a visible communion across great stretches of geography and culture, and how can we seek and serve one another faithfully?

Primatial option for the Covenant

Something like the Anglican Covenant remains “the only game in town," for the simple reason that it delivers a synthesis of Anglican thinking about the Church wrought as a vision for the future. The alternatives are amnesia at best, innovation at worst.

A year in review, and some steps forward

It’s hard to believe the Covenant relaunch happened a little over a year ago. But we’re here to stay, and we pray that God will use our humble efforts in the renewal of his Church and its common life.

The same but different

In Norfolk, England, where I spent most of my teens, there’s a saying. “It’s the same but different.” I’ve never fathomed quite what it means but I find it delightful. We have stumbled into a world where difference is in style.


Craig Uffman and Christopher Wells founded Covenant (covenant.livingchurch.org) in August 2007 as a weblog community of “evangelical and catholic” Christians.We take our place within...


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