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Will the goats please stand up?

For despite the major things Godspell gets wrong, I think it gets this one thing right. It is only those who continue to beg for mercy, who persevere in the face of judgment that have the temerity to start building the Beautiful City, brick by brick, heart by heart.

Who needs an Anglican Father Brown?

“Finally, an Anglican Father Brown.” Reading this endorsement, I confess that my first response was: “Really? Who needs one?” But I found myself gradually drawn in.

A reflection on Hannah’s Child

Reading Stanley Hauerwas for the first time was a bit like drinking from a new well only to find that the water tastes much the same as the old one. That analogy might almost be a definition of orthodoxy.

I’m going to shrive you

We do not understand the technology of our redemption. Is the sign of the cross any more "magical" than my iPhone? On a psychological level, it is probably less so.

Anglicans and confession

You can confess to an Anglican priest.

On the rite of reconciliation

Is absolution conditioned upon the sincerity of the one seeking reconciliation? Are there occasions in which absolution should be withheld?

Eastwood and Moral Theology

Review by Ken Ross If the flinty gaze and violent oeuvre of Clint Eastwood have long been your guilty pleasure, rejoice. Sara Anson Vaux has redeemed your little secret.


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