By Matthew S. C. Olver
IÂ despise the Penitential Order. Scratch that. I actually have come to think that the so-called Penitential Order in the 1979...
What Sir Paul McCartney Understands About Contrition That Frank Sinatra, Marvin Gaye, and Elvis Did Not (Nor Most Current Public Apologizers)
By Neal Michell
We live...
Some urge that confession be restricted to Lent in future liturgies. Yet to omit confession would also omit the great blessing we receive through the weekly challenge to confess, forgive, and be forgiven.
Episcopalians have expressed their concern about the tenor of Trump and his massive political rallies. Statements have ranged from scolding to more subtly critical.
The New Testament suggests that there is nothing more paschal in character, than the transitional moment represented by our repentance and God’s forgiveness.