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Parishes Say ‘Yes in God’s Back Yard’

America’s churches have what it takes to put a dent in the nation’s housing crisis.

Ethics: Forgiveness, in Three Parts

Forgiveness is a complex matter that requires discernment, a certain openness, a steadiness in truthful naming, a process over time, and more.

Hospitality and Mercy Are Timeless

Matt Opatrny: “It’s important to show refugees as people under desperate circumstances.”

TV Report on Md. Flood Relief

Saving Ellicott City shows the work of the Rev. Anjel Scarborough and St. Peter’s Church in response to two thousand-year floods in 2018.

Excellence in Health Care Honor

United Hospital Fund recognizes hospital executive Del Joiner for accomplishments in improving quality of care.

Gregory the Great on Compassion and Contemplation

What is the relationship between pastoral ministry and the Christian vocation of contemplation?

Vanier’s Last Community: Hospice

The Canadian theologian and humanitarian Jean Vanier, who founded L’Arche in 1964, has entered hospice care.

Pensions for Cuban Priests

Presiding Bishop: “This is not just fundraising; it’s following Jesus and finding our way back to each other.”

Episcopal Relief & Development Sunday

Presiding Bishop Michael B. Curry invites all Episcopalians to observe Episcopal Relief & Development Sunday on March 10.

Supplies for Besieged Syrians

Episcopal Relief & Development is supporting the Fellowship of Middle East Evangelical Churches in providing supplies to cover winter needs.


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