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The Communion of Saints

“O Almighty God, who hast knit together thine elect in one communion and fellowship in the mystical body of thy Son Christ our Lord”:...

Two Teachings — Here, There, and Everywhere (Part 2)

Editor's Note: Part One may be found here. Part Two Degrees of Communion There are several examples of differences that have been church-dividing in some contexts but...

Unity’s Fire

This past summer, I joined my 14-year-old son, Isaac, in a hot, dusty field outside Georgetown, Texas. He was competing at part of the...

‘This Is the Way’: Communion Across Difference in The Mandalorian

Be advised, this essay contains spoilers for The Mandalorian. Amber Noel I’m a Star Wars loyalist. Its universe has always entranced me. Unlike the Star Trek...

General Convention 2022: Signs of Synodical Grace

Editorial By Mark Michael & Christopher Wells The Episcopal Church’s General Convention is a synod. That is to say, it is a gathering of Christians who,...

Committee Kills Communion Without Baptism Resolution

Theologians oppose the proposal, and there is limited time for debate at a shortened General Convention.

22 Theologians Reject Communion Without Baptism

A resolution in support of the practice faces long odds at General Convention.

Conflict Looms Over Requiring Baptism for Communion

The General Convention will consider eliminating the canon requiring that only baptized people can receive Holy Communion.

Communion is More Than a Spiritual Pep Rally

Our liturgy does not allow us to ignore the fact that more is at stake in communion than issues of hospitality and psychological and emotional benefit.

Communion and Clarifying Dialogue 

Have I engaged this topic in a way that leads to the flourishing that you very beautifully call forth from male leaders? One day God will make this clear. But isn’t the point of dialogue to enter into the fray and to refine each other through enhanced mutual understanding?


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