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Communion Partners

Communion Partners Bishops — Louisville Statement, September 2024

An Introduction by Bishop John Bauerschmidt Communion Partners has its origin in the controversies over human sexuality in the Anglican Communion that arose in the...

Communion Partners Express Concern about C of E Decision

Fourteen Communion Partner Bishops of the Episcopal Church and the Anglican Church of Canada expressed "deep concern" about "recent developments in the Church of...

Lambeth in Retrospect: Part One

From Archbishop Rowan to Archbishop Justin By Andrew Goddard The Lambeth Conference will gather in late July for the first time in 14 years, a gap...

Communion Partners Seek Clarity on Prayer Book

By Mark Michael On a divided vote on General Convention’s final day, the House of Bishops approved an amended form of Article X, which defines...

Springfield Elects New Jersey Priest as Next Bishop

The Very Rev. Brian K Burgess currently is rector of a church in New Jersey.

The B012 Compromise, Three Years On

In 2018, the General Convention reached a compromise on same-sex marriage that defused a potentially serious conflict in the church. Resolution B012 authorized the use...

Roundtable: Why I Write for Covenant

Periodically, we like to take stock of our work and mission. How can Covenant best serve the Anglican Communion and wider Christian family? And...

Concerning Asymmetry

By George Sumner Churches perennially need to maintain boundaries and guardrails for the faith. From the time of the New Testament, with the threat of...

After the Bp. Love Trial: Does the Episcopal Church Welcome Us?

By Jordan Hylden As vocations director in the Episcopal Diocese of Dallas, I talk with a lot of young people discerning a call to ordained...

How We Understand Ourselves

By George Sumner As a member of the Communion Partners, I recognize and agree with recent essays by my friends Canon Jordan Hylden and Bishop...


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