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The future of the Episcopal Church’s clergy

The Episcopal Church has an impending leadership and experience vacuum.

Muzzling the ox: Getting real about clergy compensation

If any bishop, priest, or deacon should be so filled with avarice as to receive more than three times the median family income in the United States as defined by the U.S. Census Bureau, let such a one be deposed.

The liturgy, the crucible of love

What is at stake in worship is not perfect performance but, by the power of the Holy Spirit, union with Christ in his sacrifice, offering every part of ourselves and our lives to God.

An appeal for the ongoing education of the clergy

Three years is surely not enough.

Embracing the awkward

Completion of a comedy improvisation class ought to be a graduation requirement for seminarians.

Maybe you should stay. Maybe…

I am hardly suggesting that “staying” — in a job, in a parish, in a denomination, in a city, with an institution — is always the right thing to do, only that, for Christians, change rather than stability bears the burden of proof, a burden that can be satisfied, but is borne nonetheless.

Bless your heart! (or, why we bless)

I was raised in the genteel city of Birmingham, AL, which is another way of saying that I grew up around hospitable, polite and...

Seven theses on the episcopacy

One of the oddities of ecclesial life is that priests can’t be members of a parish. When ordained, the new cleric’s “residency” moves from...

Blood on my hands: being a hunter and a Christian clergyman

A foray into vegetarianism during high school was inspired by Tolstoy. His argument ran as follows: you know that you can be perfectly healthy without eating meat; so, if you eat meat, you are doing it to gratify your appetite at the expense of the lives of animals.

Monstrance Hopes to Rock Anew

By Steve Waring • Milwaukee-based band wants to reunite at General Convention.


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