Review by Kirk Petersen
Church Pension Group has issued its annual survey of clergy compensation, in an updated version of the interactive tool it introduced...
Clergy who retired during the pandemic are not necessarily taking it easy. Rather, many are facing busy schedules, often turning their well-honed talents and...
In the 2020 Stress in America Report, the American Psychological Association finds that 78 percent of Americans say the pandemic is a significant source of stress in their lives.
Don’t be too worried about the “things” of ministry. Worry instead about how you move through the parish in all your holy particularity, slowly learning the contours of your gifts as well as your limitations. That's where the magic is.
Clergy who are thriving in ministry tend to be intentional about health, maintain good boundaries, and stay focused on God’s mission rather than dwell on their members’ criticisms. They also pause to celebrate.
The clergy housing allowance, a cherished perk that lets the ordained avoid federal income tax on some or all of their compensation, faces the stiffest challenge in its 64-year history.
In the Future Shapes of Anglicanism, Martyn Percy offers a series of trenchant critiques and potential reforms of the Church of England, amid many a wonderful aside.
One of the best things about Advent is the presence of John the Baptist, that hair-shirt-wearing, locust-eating, wild-man prophet, the “voice of one crying out in the wilderness, ‘Make straight the way of the Lord,’ as the prophet Isaiah said.”