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On Theological Arguments

Why are we hard, even difficult, with the people with whom we largely agree? When we discuss our theology, we are often not simply giving our opinions, but our convictions. And it is sometimes hard to delineate between ourselves and what we believe.

Why Atheism Kills Community

David Goodhew Atheism kills community. Secularism has risen in the West, alongside acute loneliness and the hollowing out of many communal practices. This is not...

Christ The Tree

By Graham Kings Roots of Christ, deep and wide: Abraham’s Seed, prophesied Prophet, David’s Son, Suffering Servant, Son of Man, Delving the depths. Trunk of Christ, sturdy and strong: Apostolic...

Equating ‘Church’ With ‘Worship’

By Calvin Lane  Language matters. It shapes our perceptions and priorities, and (we hope) reflects objective truth. No, I’m not talking about pronouns or identities,...

The Parish as a School of Friendship

By Victor Lee Austin I am the author of Friendship: The Heart of Being Human, which aims to do a lot of things, one of which...

Bring Your Bible to Class — or Church

As I prepare to begin my 10th year as a seminary professor, I’m going to begin the biblical capstone class I’ll be teaching by...

Questions Only the Church Can Ask

By David Barr Michael Polanyi famously pointed out in the 1950s that the subjectivity of scientific research occurs precisely in the way it is conducted...

New Millennium, New Church

By Richard Kew It is thirty years since the late Bishop Roger White and I authored New Millennium, New Church, the first of several books...

Why Go Back to Church?

By Francis H. Wade It is unlikely that Carl Sandberg intended in 1936 to describe the plight of the church in 2020 but his poem...

Is the Church Essential?

By Don Beyers Although it is too early for us to say how the COVID-19 virus will transform our church, we can be sure the...


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