Why are we hard, even difficult, with the people with whom we largely agree? When we discuss our theology, we are often not simply giving our opinions, but our convictions. And it is sometimes hard to delineate between ourselves and what we believe.
David Goodhew
Atheism kills community. Secularism has risen in the West, alongside acute loneliness and the hollowing out of many communal practices. This is not...
By Graham Kings
Roots of Christ, deep and wide:
Abraham’s Seed, prophesied Prophet,
David’s Son, Suffering Servant, Son of Man,
Delving the depths.
Trunk of Christ, sturdy and strong:
By Calvin LaneÂ
Language matters. It shapes our perceptions and priorities, and (we hope) reflects objective truth. No, I’m not talking about pronouns or identities,...
By David Barr
Michael Polanyi famously pointed out in the 1950s that the subjectivity of scientific research occurs precisely in the way it is conducted...