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church politics

Reflection on the Queen

By Chip Prehn Late one night in 1985, I was walking around the inside of Canterbury Cathedral in good company.  I was seeing that stupendous...

After the Bp. Love Trial: Does the Episcopal Church Welcome Us?

By Jordan Hylden As vocations director in the Episcopal Diocese of Dallas, I talk with a lot of young people discerning a call to ordained...

The Church Isn’t Fiction

Keep in contact with real things — the actual people around you, the actual place where you live, the actual God who underpins and suffuses all — and you’ll be inoculated against relativism.

Jordan Peterson, Identity Politics, and the Church

It is striking how countercultural Jordan Peterson's work is.

Evangelical Catholicism: The ecclesiological vision of Archbishop Michael Ramsey (2)

Anglicanism has become factious in the extreme, and one cannot help but wonder if the spirit of Christ-like gratuity, of self-effacement for the sake of the Body, has been quashed by a climate of hyper-self-consciousness.

The Excluded Middle

One must be either a traditionalist or a progressive. Anyone who tries to stake out a middle ground will be attacked from both sides.

The excluded middle

Party spirit has invaded the Church. To be taken seriously, one must be either a traditionalist or a progressive.


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