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church planting

Coaches for New Churches

The Genesis Group/Advisory Group on Church Planting seeks coaches for future church-planting.

Share Church-planting Wisdom

Episcopal Church Center needs volunteers to find a staff officer for church planting infrastructure.

$100,000 for Savannah

A $100,000 grant from the Episcopal Church will establish a new ministry in the Diocese of Georgia.

The Church of England’s Trinitarian schizophrenia: Full, visible unity or Fresh Expressions?

Does God the Trinity want you to form a rugby club? Or a parish? The C of E can't decide.

The invisible: African Americans in North American Anglicanism

If we remain a tradition that only speaks to certain subsections of American culture, then we have fallen short of our gospel mandate to reach all people.

$5.6m for Planting Churches

Deputies authorize new spending from endowment returns to plant new churches.

Humble Houses of God

Both [churches] are delighted to have a building to meet in, even one constructed of mud and sticks and thatch.

Anglican 1000: 770 to Go

By Barbara Gauthier In the first three years of its existence, the ACNA planted 230 new congregations.


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