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Christian life

Intercessory Prayer for Christians

I recently went to visit an old friend I had not seen for a good while. He now in his wheelchair most of the time...

A Relatable Rendition of Religious Life

The Rev. Dr. Cole Hartin reviews Shelterbelts.

Kneel Down and Fight

Birmingham, Alabama, in the 1990s was, like so many other Southern cities, struggling to find an identity and possessing a hollowed-out urban core before...

On Being a Theologian of the Cross

The season is changing. These past weeks, in the mornings I have been putting the garden to bed. The horn worms have eaten the...

Keeping Company with God

This is a brief note to commend to you a book that I recently encountered for the first time: Prayer: Living with God by...

Frustration: Good for the Soul?

I lost my keys this past week in a rather mysterious fashion. I arrived at work with them in hand, using my fob to buzz...

Remembering Life’s Journey

I have not seen the movie Barbie, and most likely never will. But I have two daughters who, when they were of an age that...

The Hour Glass of Time and Emptying Nests

My daughter is moving into college this month. Emotionally, I’m okay (so far), but my mind is really confused. I don’t know how so...

How To Hate Your Family

By Clinton Wilson Whether we are speaking of our families, or any relationships in which we find ourselves, we must learn to hate them in...

Jacob’s Ladder for Christians: A Meditation Upon the Seven Sacraments

By Jean McCurdy Meade The founders of the monastic movements of the Middle Ages often used the metaphor of a monastery or convent as an...


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