In today’s world, all Anglican and Episcopal primary and secondary schools must negotiate the inclines, dips, and turns of multilane academic highways. Families have...
There is an evangelical basis for Christian education, as a lively pursuit of God himself: faith (and hope and love) seeking understanding, with an emphasis on the means of grace as God’s instruments of formation. In other words, we are called to continual conversion.
The call to realize our identity as a Christian university is a great challenge, but it is also liberating, because it means that we don’t need to compete with the publicly-funded, provincial universities. This is good news, because we simply do not have the economic, infrastructural, and even personal resources to do the public research university thing better than they do it. But ... in the person of Christ and in the powerful presence of the Spirit who leads God’s people into all truth, we do have the potential to become something that public, secular universities cannot be: a university in the true sense of the word, united in the uni veritas, the one or whole truth that holds together in the living Christ.