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Christ the King Sunday

Jesus of Nazareth is the Christ of Faith

The only access we have to Jesus is through the Christ who is the object of our faith — the Christ who lived and died and rose for us, who intercedes for us as our Great High Priest, and who will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead. It is alone through Jesus Christ that we have any knowledge of Jesus of Nazareth.

Forcing Jesus to Be King: Utilitarian Religion and Self-Fulfillment

Jesus will not be forced into doing our bidding. He walks away from propping up our agendas on the warrant of his authority.

Humble King of Kings

As the king of all, Jesus could have come down from the cross, as the bystanders dared him to do.

From kingdom to truth

The Word preached that one last time to that practical philosopher Pontius Pilate, and he spoke of the truth.

Why so serious?

The levity of the saints is a lightness that is bright with mirth, heavy with joy, thick with intention and devotion.


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