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A Public Education: Adolescent Murderers and Christian Witness

Childhood is a gift, but it is not a given experience for everyone. Unlike the inherent qualities of youth and vulnerability, childhood, understood as...

What Is a Child?

By Neil Dhingra What is a child? For Karl Rahner, a child is already a Mensch. If children have to grow, strengthen, learn, and mature,...

For God So Loved the World

By David Ney For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish...

Nourishing Memories, Chapter 2: Schooldays

By Graham Kings Primary School Mrs. Housley, my primary school teacher when I was seven, claimed she did not go to church because Jesus was rude...

Nourishing Memories, Chapter 1

Early Childhood A continuation of my memoir. By Graham Kings “I must confess, I was born at a very early age.” — Groucho Marx Birth I make the same confession...

 I Am a Child: Why Adultification Bias Contradicts the Christian View of Children

Like so many recent samples of footage showing police officers interacting with community residents, this was one that could not be un-seen: the mother...

Baby Jesus and Playground Trash Talk

God descends into the messiness of our lives so that we might ascend to participate and share in his glory, a glory that does not result from our genetics, or bloodline, or our own self-determination, but from the sheer grace of God.

The Cat in the Hat in the Nave

An Anglican parish in Canada sets the Holy Eucharist to the style of Dr. Seuss.

Retrospect at 40, part one

By Christopher Wells The Fountainhead briefly made sense but, thank God, something more like Born to Run won out.


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