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Catholic Church

Pope Francis’ Fiducia Supplicans: Over the Rubicon, past the Tiber, and into a Sea of Change

The recent text from the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith (DDF), issued just a week before Christmas, is likely to change, well,...

Synodality and a Servant Church

Over the past few years, as the Roman Catholic Church prepared for the Synod on Synodality now taking place, we Anglicans have been invited...

An Old Proposal For a New Way Forward

An Ecumenical Priesthood The Spirit of God and the Structure of the Church By Karl Rahner Translated with a critical introduction by Jakob Karl Rinderknecht Fortress, pp. 100,...

Why Episcopalians Should Read the Pope’s Latest Letter

By Sarah Puryear This summer a Roman Catholic friend sent me a link to Pope Francis’s latest letter entitled Desiderio desideravi and asked me to...

St. John Henry Newman, a Shared Legacy

The canonization of John Henry Newman this year provides an opportunity for Anglicans to look back on his legacy in our own church. Newman was a priest of the Church of England before he was a cardinal of the Roman Catholic Church. In many ways, his contribution to both Anglicanism and Roman Catholicism is a legacy shared between the traditions.


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