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Caeli enarrant


For more than a decade, I have come to treasure praying the rosary in the car at the outset of a drive.

Faith Comes by Hearing

Christopher Wells: “I’ve wrestled with pop music more or less since the first time I heard Toto’s “Rosanna” on the radio.”

Gospel According to Francis

The world’s primary Christian leader captivated our country with his large-hearted generosity.

The school of reconciliation

Facing divisions in the body of Christ, the school of reconciliation would teach the faithful to speak as sinners, who admit that “often enough, people of both sides were to blame” (Decree on Ecumenism, Unitatis Redintegratio 1, para. 3).

Reading Radner: Part 3

The last chapters of “A Brutal Unity” press further into “the spiritual politics of the Christian Church.”

Reading Radner: Part 2

“A Brutal Unity” grows easier as Ephraim Radner moves to a theological situation of the politics of the Church.

Reading Radner (part 1)

Of all the delights in the day-to-day work of the Living Church Foundation, the greatest may be the opportunity we have to encourage and give voice to young leaders in the Church, and to be challenged and refreshed by them in turn.

Unsolicited Leadership Advice

Christopher Wells: The deposit of faith does not magically pass into our minds by osmosis at baptism or ordination.


Christopher Wells: “I stop what I am doing, stand, and pray for the grace to be made worthy of the promises of Christ.”

New Lang Syne

By Christopher Wells • “I often think of the history of The Living Church and its old mission, articulated with commendable clarity 135 years ago and by subsequent keepers of the flame.”


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