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Common Ground and the Grave

By Steve Rice Since 2016, I have buried 317 children. I use the 1928 Book of Common Prayer because it contains a liturgy for the...

Christian Burial: Dividing up Cremains and other Troubling Habits

By Calvin Lane Over the past generation American Christians, including and perhaps especially Episcopalians, have increasingly favored cremation over casket burial. This shift has happened...

Your Funeral Is Not About You

A closed casket, the use of the pall, and matching hangings and vestments in the color of Easter visually shift the focus away from death and dead bodies to the resurrection.

Justice for the Unclaimed Dead

After St. Joseph's example, my parish pledged to give up our tomb. We pay for the cremation of children for families who cannot. For babies who are unclaimed, we have made a perpetual claim. For all who need a grave, we have opened our grounds.

Archbishops’ Coffins Found

Five archbishops of Canterbury from the 17th and 18th centuries are buried beneath the former St. Mary’s Church.

St. Augustine on ‘Caring for the dead’

St. Augustine commends prayer for all the dead, as well as burial in holy places, with monuments.

Gesture, liturgy, action: Anglican, Christian, ecumenical

Why are liturgical gestures and gift-giving so powerful?

Why pray for the ‘saved’? Christian burial services, the unbaptized, and sinners

A theology of death should be accompanied by a healthy dose of agnosticism, since what happens after death is up to God and not to us.

No Rest for Merrick’s Bones

Campaign seeks a Christian burial for the remains of Joseph Merrick, better known as the Elephant Man.

Global Briefs for Nov. 11

Church of South India strives to help the disabled.


Top headlines. Every Friday.