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Book of Common Prayer

Katherine Parr: Liturgist?

A professor at Carleton University believes Henry VIII’s last wife composed a ‘Prayer for the Monarch.’

Enriching Our Worship: A reading of its Trinitarian theology (3)

I do not wish to imply in any way that the SCLM is trying to introduce a new Trinitarian theology. Rather, I want to suggest that the Trinitarian implications of their revisions take a back seat to the stated goal of removing gendered language for God.

Enriching Our Worship: A reading of its Trinitarian theology (2)

The way I am providing a picture of the revised eucharistic rite as a whole in Enriching Our Worship is to outline a summary of the ways in which it changes and edits the Rite II communion service in the current 1979 BCP.

Enriching Our Worship: A reading of its Trinitarian theology

A conversation about Prayer Book revision is now on the table in the Episcopal Church. Enriching Our Worship shows the likely trajectory of such revision and must be examined.

An appeal for Cranmer’s prayers

When it comes to telling the story of the gospel in the Episcopal Church, I believe there is no clearer and no better way to tell it than with the traditional prayer book liturgy found in Rite 1

A way forward together (3): prayer book

We fear that a revised prayer book would not be written for the church committed to the Bible and the faith of the apostles, but for the church of Moralistic Therapeutic Deism, with all particularistic and judgmental edges shorn off.

Rite I Prayers of the People

John Mason Lock writes on the "journey through time and space" in Rite I's intercessions.

9th Custodian to Oversee BCP

The Rev. Juan M. Cabrero-Oliver was appointed by the presiding bishop and approved by General Convention.

Bishop Martins on Marriage

Bishop Daniel Martins: “Marriage is not merely historic; it is pre-historic and pan-historic.”

Editorial: After Salt Lake City

Nothing that we did at General Convention was as important as what Christ did each time we gathered at the altar.


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