Many parishes in the Episcopal Church lack the full-time services of a presbyter, a situation likely to continue for the foreseeable future. What should...
Lots of Episcopalians, lay and ordained, seem to think they know what confirmation is, but our canons and liturgical forms are, at best, ambiguous, and there’s nothing approaching broad agreement about how to interpret them.
I think that we have given the idea of lowering expectations about Christian identity and catechesis at the point of entry a thorough exploration over the past fifty years or so. The 1979 Prayer Book calls us to a different standard, to live more fully into the church’s vocation as a baptizing community.
The essays collectively provide a careful reflection on where we are as a church with the current 1979 Book of Common Prayer. The assumption is that if we are to talk about revision, we must first recognize the revolution of the liturgical movement, and second, ask if we as a church have actually lived into its vision.