In the summer of 2020, while city streets around the world were flooded with Black Lives Matter demonstrations, British theologian John Milbank offered a...
The history of the Black Church shows us how, instead of bringing God down to us on Earth, we should go up by our praise to God in heaven. That is how the reality of the good news is best felt in this time, in anticipation of the next.
People are angry. Given everything that’s happened in 2020, combined with the unlimited opportunities created by the internet for expressing our anger, this might...
The Bishop of Washington previously took President Trump to task for clearing Black Lives Matter protesters with tear gas, to enable him to stage a photo op at St. John's Church.
What “I Can Breathe Now” provides is a crucial reminder that racial strife does not have the final word and that even death is not the end of the story.
By Daniel Martins
The brutal murder of George Floyd by Minneapolis police officers on May 25 triggered an explosive response across the nation (and beyond)...