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Bishop Roundup: Florida, Oregon, Wyoming, Mass.

Florida Bishop John Howard has announced plans to retire in fall 2023 and has called for the election of a bishop coadjutor, who would...

On Bishop Love

By Daniel Martins First, a disclaimer: I am a bishop member of the Communion Partners, and much of what I write here concerns the Communion...

“Unto Whomsoever Much is Given, of Her Shall Much Be Required”

Bishops, Bourbons, and Big Mules: A History of the Episcopal Church in Alabama By J. Barry Vaughn The University of Alabama Press, 2013, pp. 264. $49.95 Review...

A Leader, Not a Follower: Bishop Kemper and Apostolic Ministry

The Sunday after the Ascension, May 24, marks a century and half since the death of the Rt. Rev. Jackson Kemper, the Episcopal Church’s...

Bishop Roundup: Chicago, Georgia, Minnesota, Oklahoma

Some consecrations have been postponed because of the coronavirus pandemic.

A Good Shepherd

This good and true shepherd’s interest in and care for all of us who became his “sons” was surely a sign to us that the Good Shepherd had plans for us and was counting on us to be His disciples.

Questioning Lambeth 2020

The organizers of Lambeth 2020 have many difficult matters to tackle. But the gross disparity between the number of worshipers in the different dioceses is a question that needs to be faced. As things stand, the net result is continuing to privilege the voices of small numbers of white Westerners while side-lining swaths of the most missional and poorest Christians in the Anglican Communion.

Episcopal Authority in a Changing Church

No matter how General Synod turns out, the question that all Anglicans face is how to move forward in their own vocations as Christians, especially if they believe their bishops to be undermining the words of Jesus.

Bishop Roundup: San Diego, Maine, N. California, S. Virginia

Recent and upcoming transitions in the episcopacy.

Bishop Straight Tongue

Henry Benjamin Whipple – first Episcopal bishop of Minnesota, evangelist and defender of the Minnesota Indians, and the man who bent the ear of America’s greatest president to stop a mass execution.


Top headlines. Every Friday.