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Loving the Bible, Part 2: Teaching Others to Love Scripture

Editor’s Note: This is the second of two essays on loving scripture. The first is here. Because I did not receive good biblical formation as...

Loving the Bible, Part 1: Learning to Love Scripture

If I may paraphrase Mark Twain: Suppose you grew up in a mainline Protestant church in the United States near the close of the...

A Thicker Constellation of Vocation

It’s become commonplace to talk about vocation. In many ordination processes, the discerner is expected to articulate their vocation to the priesthood. Many college...

The Holy Ghost, the Comforter

Te Deum Laudamus Sometimes we hear people in church seek to eliminate gendered words for God in our prayers. Now that I am in the...

Consecrated Reading

I was blessed to be raised by a mother and father who loved the Lord. If I woke up early enough, it was a certainty...

The Harvest Is Plentiful But the Laborers Are Few

As I was growing up, my church did regular mission trips with groups of people from the church. I don’t mean overseas missions. We...

Seven Arrows of Bible Reading

Blessed Lord, who caused all holy Scriptures to be written for our learning: Grant us so to hear them, read, mark, learn, and inwardly...

Can It Be Forgotten?

In my second year of graduate school, I had the opportunity to take a course called “What Is Scripture?” with the prominent Jewish philosopher...

God or Wealth?

By Bryan Owen "When I have money, I get rid of it quickly, lest it find a way into my heart.” Those words are attributed to...

Bibliolatry: the Exvangelical Boogeyman

By David Beadle During my first week of seminary, at chapel orientation, a professor said that Scripture was the foundation of Anglican worship. I knew...


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