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TV and the Sacramental Life

Broken resonates because its hero so clearly loves the parishioners in his spiritual care, and they love him.

Time with the TARDIS

“When we took the TARDIS across the street for Hallowpalooza, passersby expressed concern that the TARDIS was leaving.”

New Debates, Few Insights

‘Thought for the Day’ and Bishops in the House of Lords survive loud challenges.

Iranian-born Canon Called as Bishop

The Rev. Canon Guli Francis-Dehqani will focus on supporting black, Asian, and minority ethnic churches.

BBC Cuts Religion & Ethics

The BBC is taking heat after announcing the closure of its Religion and Ethics Department.

BBC Wrong on Pope Pius

Responding to a complaint from Lord Alton, the BBC agrees that Pope Pius XII was not silent on the Holocaust.

Communion Hires BBC Vet

Adrian Butcher joined the BBC in 1990 as a producer in its national radio newsroom.

Gritty Comfort TV

Review by John Martin A cast of nurses and of nuns who pray for patients and sing the Daily Office seemed hardly the stuff of a TV blockbuster.


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