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assisted suicide

A Principled Commitment to Life

At the end of November, after five hours of debate, MPs in the U.K. voted 330 to 275 in favor of a bill to legalize medically-assisted suicide. Civil and religious leaders warned that the "right to die" will easily become for the vulnerable the "obligation to die." Bishop Christopher Cocksworth unpacks the conversation and outlines a principled commitment to life.

Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Death

Bishop Stephen Andrews asks, how will sanctioned suicide affect one’s family and friends? What are the consequences for the community of which a suffering person is a part? Every human being is caught up in a web of interdependence.

U.K. Bishops Unite Against Assisted Suicide

Archbishop Justin Welby: “There will be people who look at that and say the church is totally out of touch … but we don’t do things on the basis of opinion polls.”

Ethics: Aid in Dying

The root theological problem is that “aid in dying” misconceives our life as something we own. But in fact my life is not my possession. My life is a gift; I am a steward of that gift, not an owner; and I am responsible for my stewardship.

Assisted Death and the Church’s Vocation

The "assisted dying" conversation already includes children, those whom the initial legislation sought to protect.

Synod Opposes Euthanasia

The Anglican Church of Australia's General Synod has unanimously denounced efforts to legalize physician-assisted dying.

Eliminate Pain, not People

Christian leaders: “Euthanasia and assisted suicide represent the abandonment of those who are in greatest need.”

No to Suicide

Three members of a New Zealand bioethics council oppose a law permitting euthanasia.

Assisted Suicide Perishes

Faith groups help persuade the House of Commons to reject a well-funded campaign for assisted suicide.

Global Briefs for Sept. 8

Assisted suicide • Christine Hardman • SE Asia • Josiah Atkins Idowu-Fearon


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