By Ian Olson
Lent is always a summoning out of the fertile Jordan Valley and into the wasteland, a wasteland, paradoxically, pregnant with promise. We...
On Ash Wednesday
By Eugene R. Schlesinger
With my penchant for the melancholy, I’ve always resonated with what we might consider the “downer” moments of the...
By James Richardson
Ash Wednesday 2018 dawned like no other in my lifetime.
A few short months earlier, fires had raged through Sonoma, Napa, and Lake...
Part of a series on The Way of Love. Other previous entries are available here.
By Charlie Clauss
Presiding Bishop Curry should be applauded for his work...
The way truly to know ourselves is not idly to look within ourselves, but rather to look away from ourselves at the one who calls us by name, who commands us to love him by loving our neighbor, who sends us into the vineyard to work today.