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Universally Accessible and Innately Personal: The Significance of Relationship in St. Benedict’s Humility

By Elizabeth Elin In a world fraught with desperation and insecurity, humility appears to be an antiquated virtue, frequently discarded due to its destructive effect...

The Shape of Lent

From the inside, Lent is a complex warren, laden with nutrition for the Christian soul.

Asceticism and Politics

When one mortifies the body, one in turn mortifies the body politic.

If You Have the Stomach, See First Reformed Twice

First Reformed is a testimony that sometimes movies ask something of us.

Unseen Warfare

The Christian life is an arena of battle. The text Unseen Warfare offers powerful weapons, in the form of advice on passions and possessions.

TBT: Ember Days

The Living Church, 1936: “Four times a year the notices on Sunday call our attention to the Ember Days.”

Suffering in Christian Life

For these Christians, suffering is neither terrifying nor messianic.

The morphology of Lent

Within the context of the Paschal Mystery, we understand our journey through Lent to be a movement from glory to glory.

A Lenten feast: Rowan’s Hulsean Lectures

One of the significant goods of grappling with “difficult” works of art (or theological lectures) is the way doing so can provide training for enduring the ordinary difficulties of life.

Judging myself, loving my brethren

What causes our divisions? Why do weak and heretical doctrines persist? I wish I didn’t find a solitary cave to be such a compelling option when I’m overcome by discouragement over the state of our Communion.


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