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What Will It Add?  Why Require Confirmation for Bearing the Cup

By Calvin Lane What will it add? she asked me. I was enjoying a brunch with a delightful retired couple who had relocated to our...

Of Apostles and their Successors

Homily for St. Matthias,  Chapel of St. Mary the Virgin, Nashotah House Theological Seminary, February 24, 2022 Scripture – Psalm 15; Acts 1:15-26; Philippians 3:12-21;...

Pastoral Ministry — But Not Only Pastoral Ministry

This essay responds to a recent article on pastoral care. By John Bowen Cole Hartin is right. Of course he’s right. And yet, and yet. Why...

The Optional Bishop

An Anglican province bent on mission but without theological and historical depth will make for a weak, divided church.

Apostolicity at stake 

This issue is not about who may tell TEC what to do, but whether apostolicity is to remain a feature of Anglicanism.

Catholicity, apostolicity: Come on down

What does it mean for Anglicans to profess reformed catholicity in a visible communion across great stretches of geography and culture, and how can we seek and serve one another faithfully?

Ecumenism’s Strange Future

By Robert W. Jenson • Cardinal Ratzinger used to say that overcoming the Church’s divisions would require a great intervention of the Spirit.


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