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Anglican Episcopal Church of Brazil

Primates, Sisters, and Friends

Archbishop Marinez Santos Bassotto of Amazonia, Brazil: “I was the first woman to be elected bishop in Brazil, and I needed a sister. Bishop Linda [Nicholls] fulfilled this role. She was always there for me, with kindness, presence, and support. This is how our friendship began.”

Brazil Elects First Female Primate in Latin America

Marinez Rosa dos Santos Bassotto also continues as Bishop of the Amazon, and has made creation care a major focus of her ministry

Brazilian Church’s Voting Guide

Essays address issues such as inequality, violence, corruption, and Christian responsibility in political life.

Canadians Heartened by Visit to Brazil

“The people who were opposed [to same-sex marriage] felt that there had been space created for them.”

Brazil’s Hefty New BCP

The Rev. Canon Mark Harris writes about the 2015 edition of Livro de Oração Comum.


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