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Anglican Covenant

Lambeth in Retrospect: Part Two

From Archbishop Justin to Today This two-part essay surveys developments in the Anglican Communion from the 2008 Lambeth Conference to this Summer’s 2022 Lambeth Conference....

Lambeth in Retrospect: Part One

From Archbishop Rowan to Archbishop Justin By Andrew Goddard The Lambeth Conference will gather in late July for the first time in 14 years, a gap...

Roundtable: Why I Write for Covenant (Christopher Wells)

By Christopher Wells Most of the time Covenant is not focused on technical matters of ecclesiology. Thank God, our business is not production of an...

Roundtable: Why I Write for Covenant (Wesley Hill)

Periodically, we like to take stock of our work and mission. How can Covenant best serve the Anglican Communion and wider Christian family? And how do...

Roundtable: Why I Write for Covenant

Periodically, we like to take stock of our work and mission. How can Covenant best serve the Anglican Communion and wider Christian family? And...

Church Order: Neither Nostalgic nor Progressive

This is the first of three reflections on hierarchy. By Christopher Wells We denizens of democratic spaces do not much like rulers. We like, in the...

Concerning Asymmetry

By George Sumner Churches perennially need to maintain boundaries and guardrails for the faith. From the time of the New Testament, with the threat of...

Wanted: Field Guide to Adjudicate Communion across Distance

By Christopher Wells I come to the conclusion of my series on the visibility and invisibility of the Church (part 1, part 2, part 3)....

News Analysis: Global South Anglicans Launch New Covenant

A new "covenantal structure" approved by the recent Cairo Conference aims to reinforce orthodoxy and define full communion relationships for Global South Anglicans.

Lambeth 1920 and Its Legacy Today

Theologians and church leaders from around the world gathered at Lambeth Palace for a colloquium focused on a century-old groundbreaking call to church unity and its implications for Anglicanism's contemporary divisions.


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