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Anglican Consultative Council

Archbishops Stress Anglican Way

Abp. Justin Welby: “Provinces are autonomous but interdependent.”

Primates Elect Representatives

Presiding Bishop Michael Curry removed himself from consideration, citing possible “consternation in parts of the Communion.”

Province 40

Archbishop Welby celebrates the Anglican Church of Chile as the 40th province of the Anglican Communion.

Compass Rose Hears Updates

The Compass Rose Society held its annual meeting in London on Oct. 9 and 10.

More Affirmation for Chilean Province

The Diocese of Chile should become a province in its own right, the Anglican Consultative Council’s standing committee has decided.

Ecumenists Discuss Justification Declaration

Lutheran Kaisamari Hintikka: “We want to offer our churches recommendations in order to grow in communion.”

Konieczny to Serve on ACC

The Rt. Rev. Edward J. Konieczny is the new bishop member of the Anglican Consultative Council.

Compass Rose Aims for $10M

Donations to the Compass Rose Society help support communications and humanitarian work.

Church Seeks Bishop for ACC

Executive Council will elect a new member of the Anglican Consultative Council.

Membership and Money

A committee will study Anglican Consultative Committee membership and financial support.


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