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Anglican Church of Australia

Anglican Church of Australia Debates Chastity

The Diocese of Perth is the latest to amend Faithfulness in Service guidelines, a national code regarding behavior for clergy and church workers.

‘Hard to Preach the Gospel on Stolen Land’

Australia is only beginning to come to terms with its First Nations people.

Bishop Suspends Ministry Over Secret Marriage

Bishop Keith Dalby of the Murray ordained Alison Dutton to the priesthood. Ten days later, they were quietly wed in a civil ceremony.

The Significance of the Cross in John’s Gospel

Every year The Living Church’s student essay contest draws several excellent submissions. The first-place essay will be published in the October issue of The...

When Rights Conflict: Sex Abuse Reporting & the Confessional

Bishops in the Church of England seek to balance the imperatives of penitence and safeguarding.

Australian Bishops Block Traditional Marriage Resolution

Clergy and laity strongly favored a resolution declaring that marriage is between a man and a woman, but the bishops narrowly said no.

New Zealand Split May Be a Preview for Australia

The ACANZP split has had little effect; same-sex blessings are still rare, and only 17 of 500 congregations left.

Australia’s GAFCON Chair Looks Ahead to May Synod

Same-sex marriage is still a divisive issue, but Bishop Richard Condie hopes the COVID delay may have calmed the waters.

Australia Debates Religious Freedom Bill

Australia’s national parliament begins each session with two gestures of faith: an acknowledgment of the nation’s traditional owners, and prayers “humbly beseeching” God to “direct and...

Former Australian Abp. Deposed For Abuse Handling

The Most Rev. Roger Herft, the former Archbishop of Perth in Australia, has been deposed from Holy Orders for failing to properly handle child sexual abuse allegations during his tenure as Bishop of Newcastle.


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