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American history

Why Land Acknowledgments Make Bad Liturgy

As it seems to me, a brief and true definition of virtue is “rightly ordered love.” Saint Augustine, City of God, 15.22 Land acknowledgments at meetings...

Common Prayer in America’s Religious Free-Market

By David Ney Contrary to popular opinion, America was not founded by Puritans. It was founded by many religious groups, including Anglicans. Indeed, the Church...

I Will Be Patriotic

By Chip Prehn I am going to be patriotic this Independence Day. I realize that patriotism can be confused with what’s being called “nationalism.” This...

Lessons from Our History

By Hannah Matis It is sometimes said of the Episcopal Church that its darkest hour was its first. The eldest province in the Anglican Communion...

Remembering Pocahontas

The United Kingdom’s heritage agency renews Grade II status for a statue of Pocahontas.


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