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african-american anglicanism

Anglicanism and the “Black Future”: Continuing the Conversation

By Brandt L. Montgomery Booker T. Washington reportedly said, “If a black man is anything but a Baptist or a Methodist, someone has been tampering...

American Anglo-Catholicism and Black Episcopalians: Integrating the Narrative, Part II: The Witness of Ritualism

Though the number of black Episcopalians has and continues to be low, they have remained a faithful presence within the greater American Anglican tradition.

American Anglo-Catholicism and Black Episcopalians: Integrating the Narrative

Has Anglo-Catholicism appealed to black Episcopalians?

The shadow over black achievement: Jordan Edwards and Bishop Baskerville-Burrows

Bishop Baskerville-Burrows and Jordan Edwards represent the two realities of being black in America. There's no better time to be black, and a shadow hovers over our achievement.

The invisible: African Americans in North American Anglicanism

If we remain a tradition that only speaks to certain subsections of American culture, then we have fallen short of our gospel mandate to reach all people.


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