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The Impairment Commission’s Intervention

A recently released report suggests that if you are a hard-drinking alcoholic or prolific drug user with an aversion to accountability, the Episcopal Church might welcome you.

Welcoming Broken Souls

Congregations learn to help drug addicts as they welcome others who struggle with temptations.

Addicts on the Doorstep

Churches respond to waves of homeless young people.

Md. Welcomes Bishop Knudsen

Evensong will celebrate the arrival of Chilton R. Knudsen, a bishop with a ministry in recovery and healing.

Bishops Unite against Addiction

“I’m Mark, and I’m an alcoholic,” said Bishop Mark Hollingsworth, Jr., of Ohio as he began a committee report.

Committee Discusses Addiction

Bishop Mark Hollingsworth: “There’s a difficult line in the church between disease and sin.”

The unresurrected Dick Whitman: the City of God and the Mad Men finale

Contrary to many assessments, the final montage suggests that no one has changed.

Bp. Knudsen on NPR

Bishop Chilton Knudsen: “As we teach the clergy how to ask the harder questions, they are learning.”

Bp. Knudsen to Serve in Md.

The seventh Bishop of Maine has published works on addiction and congregational healing.

Fight Addiction with Grace

Bp. Douglas Hahn: “You will see the power of God’s Spirit at work” in a 12-step meeting.


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